Solutions for Insurers

Insurers across the world rely on our technology to provide their members with access to safe, timely health advice and information.

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24/7 Healthline

GP or nurse-led helplines are an expensive undertaking and with the pressure to keep operating costs low, insurers are looking for ways to achieve a return on investment on this highly valued service. Our patient management and clinical decision support protocols significantly reduce the time required to assess patients over the phone, without compromising care outcomes. The system also provides extensive self-care advice and access to the insurer’s database of approved health providers to refer callers to.

Think Global, act Local

Our solutions play a key role in helping international PMI support the millions of people choosing to travel and work throughout the world. We have developed a ‘healthcare without borders’ approach that enables patients to access advice about local medications, services and conditions, and get referred quickly to approved local care providers.

Make it MultiChannel

Access to health advice, whether through our telephone, web, sms or App solutions, helps our health insurer customers attract and retain customers, as well as to deliver a service which is safe, consistent, and secure; no matter where the customer is in the world.

The fact that technology can also help deliver a fast service at a reduced cost hasn’t gone unnoticed either!


Reduced operational costs through shorter call handling times
Reduced claims costs through early intervention and discouraging unnecessary or expensive treatment
Improved patient outcomes through quick, accurate referrals
Minimises risk through enforcing best practice
Comprehensive patient records, reporting and audit trail
Provides feedback and learning which improves skills and confidence


AxisMed, the largest chronic care management provider in Latin America, provides a range of healthcare services on behalf of major insurance companies. Services include AxisLine, which provides thousands of callers every day with accurate, timely medical advice. The detailed structure of the clinical knowledge software ensures consistency of medical advice and that patients are directed to the most appropriate outcome. The AxisLine service has already provided critical medical advice to over one million Brazilians.

"The customer is extremely happy with this service. They have found that it has created loyalty with their membership and has helped them attract new members. We measure the satisfaction of the people who call the assessment call centre, and customer satisfaction is over 98%. The insurer is very pleased with the way this service has given them a differentiator in the market, while at the same time created cost savings. What they value is the fact that the content has been written by clinicians based on outcomes from real evidence. It is maintained and gets updated at least twice every year to reflect new practices, so they can be assured that is the next best thing to being with a clinician."

Jan Einar VaageChief Executive Officer, NorskeHelseTelefonen24

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