As part of NHS England’s ongoing Urgent and Emergency Care Review, health services are under increasing pressure to streamline and improve the way that urgent care is provided around the country.
Services are receiving the highest number of emergency calls and Accident and Emergency attendance and admissions that the NHS has known.
As part of the response to the need for service improvement, the recommendation to regional commissioners is to establish ‘Urgent Care Clinical Hubs’.
Clinical Care Hubs
The recommendation behind the development of clinical hubs is that they meet local care requirements whilst addressing national challenges. They will provide timely and specialist advice to both patients and clinicians, reducing isolated working and inappropriate primary care and ED dispositions. Care plans can be shared across practices, specialist units and hub operators. The clinical hub can be staffed centrally, virtually or a combination of both.
Technology enabling a single source of patient information
Health information normally exists in multiple data silos, each with their own interface, user groups and information.
Our solution platform provides the interoperability to enable a single source of patient data and outcomes and incorporates workflows to create a hub functionality.
Integration with other healthcare provider systems for booking, scheduling, accessing service directories and care resource improves first call resolution and patient satisfaction.
Patient Relationship Management
Our Patient relationship Management system Salus is built on Microsoft Dynamics CRM, making it intuitive and familiar to use. Salus has the capacity to act as a national electronic patient record system, and can extend out to the patient as a patient facing record, meaning improvements in patient satisfaction, enagagement and ultimately better outcomes. It is highly configurable and customisable, and this enables it to support teams and businesses to reach their specific objectives and goals