Working with organisations that deliver healthcare on a national scale is in our DNA.

Our software solutions and clinical content have been used by organisations such as NHS Direct (now NHS 111) in England and Scotland’s NHS 24.

In Scotland we were part of a solution that allowed callers or web visitors to the national helpline to be referred to the appropriate service quickly. This was a complex process involving coordination between Capita, Capita partners and NHS 24. The result was a solution that remained stable under significant pressure either online or over the phone. It provided staff with the very best in clinical content, supported with complex algorithms allowing patients to be dealt with to a very high standard.

Case Studies


NHS 111 in England is the first port of call for people when they want advice or medical attention. We provided a call centre assessment solution which was adapted to suit NHS Direct’s needs. Evidence-based questions and answers devised and developed by medical experts were presented in an easy to use, logical sequence, and used to assess the patient’s condition. Callers were directed to the most appropriate service for their circumstances, thereby reducing clinician workload and enabling faster assessment.

Further evidence of where we are helping to improve patient outcomes across the world can be accessed by clicking on our client links below.

HealthLinkBC Logo

Healthlink BC

Healthlink BC provide the 811 healthline service for British Columbia, Canada serving 5 million people.

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Sharecare Logo


US-based digital health company Sharecare provides solutions for population health management, improving quality of life and wellbeing through the Sharecare Digital Platform.

"Capita Healthcare Decisions continues to be an important partner for Sharecare in improving population health and customer service in Brazil and abroad. The technology and decision process for customer service are fundamental to maintaining a solution which is compatible with the needs of the Brazilian market."

Jeone MirandaChief Information Officer, Sharecare Brazil
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Medibank Logo


Capita will provide Medibank with its market leading TeleGuides content set, which Medibank have localised for the Australian market.

"Closer alignment with CHD now gives us the opportunity to work together, give our feedback for them to consider through their editorial processes and then come up with a solution that is best for both of us."

Dr McGrathMedibank
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Health Direct Logo

Healthdirect Australia

With over 80% of Australians seeking health information online* Healthdirect Australia recognised the importance of ensuring that the information they are accessing is safe, relevant and trustworthy

"An ageing population, the growth of digital by default and patients that are often living in rural or remote locations has made online access a vital part of the way we ensure that all Australians receive good quality health advice and assessment."

Anton DonkerChief Information Officer, Healthdirect Australia
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NHT24 has a Nordic license at the internationally renowned medical decision support system CAS. The company’s goal is to become the leading tele health service in Scandinavia.

"The customer is extremely happy with this service. They have found that it has created loyalty with their membership and has helped them attract new members. We measure the satisfaction of the people who call the assessment call centre, and customer satisfaction is over 98%. The insurer is very pleased with the way this service has given them a differentiator in the market, while at the same time created cost savings. What they value is the fact that the content has been written by clinicians based on outcomes from real evidence. It is maintained and gets updated at least twice every year to reflect new practices, so they can be assured that is the next best thing to being with a clinician."

Jan Einar VaageChief Executive Officer, NorskeHelseTelefonen24
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Pena Logo

Pena Verde

Peña Verde S.A.B, one of the largest Mexican insurance and reinsurance groups trading on the Mexican Stock Exchange, with annual revenues of more than $5300 million pesos, decided to invest in cost reduction solutions due to rising service’s costs from its insured population.

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